Hylke Faber
CEO, Coach & Facilitator, Author
For as long as I can remember I have been curious about what this life is about. My ongoing inquiry has become my work: helping people individually and collectively to discover what is possible in life and express that authentically and fearlessly.
I started my work life with Towers Perrin as consultant and then as Partner with Strategic Decisions Group, serving a wide range of industries, including financial services, manufacturing, consumer electronics and life sciences companies. A major shift occurred during this critical phase of my life. I had become the typical, hard-charging, 16-hours-a-day strategy consultant, and was burning out at a rapid clip. When I discovered meditation, everything changed. I was so taken by my new discoveries that I chose to bring to business what I was learning: that there is a way we can have it all - we can be fulfilled, do work we love, and create extraordinary results with others. I think of it as creating a sense of ease in business.
I learned how to coach and facilitate human transformation completing my coaching certification with Newfield Network and by working at Axialent, the culture and leadership company. After a few years, I founded Co-Creation Partners together with other leaders in the field of transformation and personal development. Then I formed Constancee to help people grow by creating the conditions where deep personal, interpersonal and organizational shifts happen routinely.
I now lead Growth Leaders Network, the culture and team development consultancy. I have also taught coaching at Columbia Business School Executive Education and have contributed to Harvard Business Review. I am currently teaching a course on Climate Conscious Leadership at Arizona State University. My award-winning book, Taming Your Crocodiles: Unlearn Fear & Become a True Leader, was published by Dover in 2018. My next book, Taming Your Crocodiles Practices for Leadership Depth, came out in 2020. Besides helping others grow, which I love, I am a trained opera singer, enjoy hiking and writing, am an avid reader, in particular of biographies, and am always in the process of growing myself. I integrate all of what I learn in my work with executives.
I enjoy connecting and supporting others in their growth journeys. You can contact me here